Benefits of μ-MIM® in medical device manufacturing

In addition to the features of our μ-MIM® technology, we will introduce application examples in the medical device industry and show how μ-MIM® can contribute to business development.

Webinar details

Benefits of μ-MIM® in medical device manufacturing

Your hosts

Izumi Nakamura

Izumi Nakamura

Business development director


  1. About Micro MIM Japan
  2. Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) process
  3. 3D-μMIM® technology
  4. μ-MIM® medical application
  5. Our AM technology

Webinar registration

February 22, 2023 17:00
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Webinar details

Webinar Serie
Benefits of μ-MIM® in medical device manufacturing

Your host

Izumi Nakamura

Business development director


  1. About Micro MIM Japan
  2. Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) process
  3. 3D-μMIM® technology
  4. μ-MIM® medical application
  5. Our AM technology